Browsers are software programs that convert the code for a website into a view-able page.
So this:
Becomes This:
Common browsers are :
Internet Explorer - Microsofts browser, built into Windows PCs
Google Chrome - recommended if you are working a lot with Google apps like Sheets and Gmail.
FireFox - an open source browser that works on most platforms (MAC, Windows, Android)
EDGE - Microsofts modern browser replacing Internet Explorer on Windows and beyond
Safari - Apples browser built in to Mac OS and iOS devices.
Browser attributes:
ADDRESS BAR - type in the URL (address) of the website you want to visit (ie or use it to search for a web site (ie flooring companies)
TAB - browsers allow you to use TABS to open more than one page at a time. Possible uses are to look something up without having to leave the page you are currently on in another tab.
HOME - takes you back to the page you start on when you open the browser.
SETTINGS - allows you to set the how the browser opens new pages, saves history and handles security.
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